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Light Wood Panel

New for 2025

I am now offering one-to-one art workshops. We can work on technique, a particular skill, materials etc.

£25 per person/hour online
£35 per person/hour face-to-face

Please contact me for more information

Light Wood Panel

Art Outside

My favourite place to be is outside in nature; it inspires many of my paintings. I want to encourage more people to explore their creativity without the constraints of four walls by running outside workshops and art walks.

I will soon be a qualified Hill and Moorland Leader with Mountain Training and I am also a qualified Outdoor First Aider.

Future workshops

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19 February 2025, 10:00 - 12:00

Gelli printing for young people
Gelli printing is a colourful and fun way of creating monoprints (that is, one off prints) using a rubbery base which we roll acrylic paint onto, and then using stencils, plant matter and other objects, create textures, patterns and images.  It’s always experimental, there are really no strict rules, only good ideas, and it’s suitable for all ages. Children under the age of 10 will need to be accompanied by an adult  to supervise their child.  It’s also essential to wear old clothes and bring an apron as acrylic paints stain!
The images you create will be great for making greetings cards, use as collage materials or as pictures in their own right! And they will be fascinating, beautiful and originals!
Children Free but donations are very welcome – booking is essential, just book in the child booking online here or at BC Town Hall. 


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20 February 2025, 10:30 - 12:00

Collograph printing part 2
Collograph is weird exciting kind of experimental printing that is half way between relief  (image is left after cutting away- the ink is on the surface) and intaglio (image is cut into the plate and the ink goes into the gaps). Prepare a printing plate or two the first session - a small one and a larger one that could be an image e.g. a landscape, buildings, an animal. So bring some photos to inspire you! Do bring your own card, textured things like wallpaper, fabric, string, vegetable nets, tablet foils etc to use to glue on a cardboard  plate, I will bring lots of stuff but the more we have, the more choice you’ll have to create something beautiful,  then we’ll coat it with shellac or boot polish to make sure it’s ready for printing the next day. On Day 2 we will use thick paper, soak it and then have fun printing from our plates! Be ready to be surprised! This is messy. I will provide disposable gloves but if you are allergic please bring your own that you are safe with. Don’t expect perfect nails to survive!
Book online here or at BC Town Hall. 

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21 February 2025, 10:00 - 12:30

A mandala for a new year
Creating a mandala is a really relaxing creative thing to do, and just perfect for a no doubt miserable February day! Bring some ideas, motifs and pictures that might inspire you for the year ahead, for spring, for your hopes and plans, and have fun creating a beautiful design. We'll start using compasses and plan the design and then it's over to you, you'll have a choice of watercolours, acrylic and felt pans, coloured pencils etc and you can make a design that is completely geometric or create different images and patterns in each section! This session is suitable for young people - under 14s must be accompanied by a paying adult and it's not suitable for under 8s. We have to use compasses so young people need to understand about keeping safe.
For more details and to book a place click here (takes you to Eventbrite)

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1 March 2025, 10:00 - 12:30

Colour mixing part 1 - the basics!
This is part 1 of basic colour mixing. If you get confused by cool and warm reds, blues and yellows, if you're not sure about primary, secondary and tertiary colours, if you aren't sure when to use (or not use) white or black, this is the session for you! We'll create a colour wheel - you can choose to use watercolours or acrylics or if you're feeling energetic you could try both! You'll get to see how to mix most of the colours you really want. (Opera Rose and neon orange are probably colours too far!)
In part 2 we will use the primary colours of light. These are the ones which will really make your colours pop so don't miss it!
If you have paints you use at home and want help with mixing with them as well, please do bring them and we can help. As usual there will be plenty of coffee, tea and cake to keep going when the colour gets tough.
For more details and to book a place click here (takes you to Eventbrite)


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21 March - 27 March 2025

Various workshops
I will be running various workshops throughout the week - more details to follow.


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5 April 2025, 10:00 - 12:30

A whistle stop guide to gelli printing!
Have fun learning to do gelli printing and making materials for next week's collage workshop.
Suitable for children over the age of 7 who enjoy art making but under 14s need to be accompanied by a participating supervisory adult.
This is a messy morning so bring aprons and wear old clothes. Hot drinks and cake provided to sustain your creativity!
For more details and to book a place click here (takes you to Eventbrite)


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12 April 2025, 10:00 - 12:30

A whistle stop guide to collage!
Have fun creating beautiful abstract collages with Wioletta and Catherine! We will use the gelli prints you created last week and learn more about creating more materials, about colour harmony, texture, pattern etc and then you will make some fabulous pieces of collage to take home. Suitable for children over the age of 7 who enjoy art making but under 14s need to be accompanied by a participating supervisory adult.
This is a messy morning so bring aprons and wear old clothes. Hot drinks and cake provided to sustain your creativity!
For more details and to book a place click here (takes you to Eventbrite)

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15 May 2025, 10:00 - 15:00

Kantha embroidery inspiration
You can either spend the morning or bring a packed lunch and spend longer stitching a really relaxing piece inspired by a picture or photo you bring. We won't be copying the picture in any way, but just using colours, and if you wish shapes to inspire our running stitch (which has got to be the most relaxing stitch on the planet!). Parallel rows of stitches create texture and repetition creates a slow rhythm. You can work just on one piece of fabric or even nicer is to use three thin layers to make a more padded effect.
Kantha stitching is used in Asian textiles to create a slightly padded texture - often used for blankets and jackets but we'll just be making a piece you can frame afterwards, or use as perhaps the front of a bag or another small object.
I will bring a mix of felt and plain fabrics but if you want to bring specific fabric (you can create kantha stitching on patterned fabric as well!) to use or you have embroidery or other threads you want to use, please bring them. You can do kantha stitching with cotton, fine yarn and even reels of sewing machine thread! Every type of thread creates a slightly different effect!
For more details and to book a place click here (takes you to Eventbrite)


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19 June 2025, 10:00 - 15:00

Create a fabric covered notebook
Bring a note book that you'd like to make a cover for (this could be for yourself or create a beautiful gift). We will make a fabric cover and strengthen it with card, and you'll use patchwork, applique, embroidery, beads, ribbon, sequins etc and anything you've got at home you'd like to use. Buttons from a favourite piece of clothing, some vintage lace, whatever you think would be fun to use. You could even incorporate small photos! We'll spend a little time looking at our collections of things to use, and think about design, and then you get stitching! We finish by fixing the cover to the book and stitching it to fix it! Ta-Dah! A lovely unique and very personally decorated book for you or a friend to write shopping lists or poetry in!
For more details and to book a place click here (takes you to Eventbrite)

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17 July 2025, 10:00 - 15:00

Make memory sticks and be part of a potential exhibition!
Today's session can be used to create special memories - perhaps for a party, an anniversary or wedding, or to remind yourself of a walk or a place you have visited. It's essential you bring objects, collections of leaves, flowers, perhaps seedheads, or pages (or photocopies) of poetry, letters, little keys, pieces of crockery, broken jewellery, invitations, tiny packets etc. Some will be bound so you can't see what they are - hidden under the yarn and thread bound round twigs or sticks, some you can fix on the top to peek out, some could be on threads or even crocheted mini chains of yarn (or perhaps fine wire?).
Really there is so much opportunity to create some really special individual pieces. Only your imagination will limit what you produce!
It would be good if you could bring some sticks as well - do you want to make something really large, or use little twigs? What scale do you want your memory sticks to be?
I am thinking of exhibiting our memory sticks at some point - if you'd like to participate that would be fantastic! We will need to make a good collection of them and we will need to introduce our work to our audience as everyone's sticks will have different stories to tell!
For more details and to book a place click here (takes you to Eventbrite)

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8 August - 13 August 2025

Various workshops
I will be running various workshops throughout the week - more details to follow.


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19 February 2025, 14:00 - 15:45

Collograph printing part 1
Collograph is weird exciting kind of experimental printing that is half way between relief  (image is left after cutting away- the ink is on the surface) and intaglio (image is cut into the plate and the ink goes into the gaps). Prepare a printing plate or two the first session - a small one and a larger one that could be an image e.g. a landscape, buildings, an animal. So bring some photos to inspire you! Do bring your own card, textured things like wallpaper, fabric, string, vegetable nets, tablet foils etc to use to glue on a cardboard  plate, I will bring lots of stuff but the more we have, the more choice you’ll have to create something beautiful,  then we’ll coat it with shellac or boot polish to make sure it’s ready for printing the next day. On Day 2 we will use thick paper, soak it and then have fun printing from our plates! Be ready to be surprised! This is messy. I will provide disposable gloves but if you are allergic please bring your own that you are safe with. Don’t expect perfect nails to survive!
Book online here or at BC Town Hall. 

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20 February 2025, 14:00 - 15:45

Lino printing
Lino cut printing is a method of relief printing, so it’s the opposite of tetrapak printing. You carve into lino, your design and everything you carve will be white, everything you leave will be inked up. The benefit of lino printing is you can reuse the block many many times. You use special carving tools that have different cutters so you can make fine and wider lines and cut larger areas away. The carving is a little bit dangerous in that you can really hurt yourself if you don’t use the tools correctly so I will only offer this at the festival for adults and it will just be a small group so I can help and supervise carefully.   You’ll have the opportunity to print at least 3 of 4 images and take home your block so you can print some more in the future. If there’s time you may be able to create a second design.
Book online here or at BC Town Hall. 


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22 February 2025, 14:30 - 16:00

Mini artist book
We will be enjoying an introduction to making zine type books, out of one large sheet of paper! The theme ostensibly  is ‘I❤️BC’ but, if you want to, you can create a little booklet/zine about whatever you like!
We will do some warm up exercises to help with finding words as well as drawing so don’t worry if you don’t have ideas before the workshop starts! We will have all kinds of drawing and writing materials including marker and acrylic pens, crayons, coloured pencils and stamp pads and stamps available so you can use a mix of materials to create something completely personal to you!
Please bring an apron and don’t wear your best clothes as the materials can stain fabric.
Book online here or at BC Town Hall. 


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20 March 2025, 10:00 - 13:00 or 10:00 - 15:00

Collage and embroidery workshop
Enjoy a morning working small scale, creating a collage from materials you have brought from home as well as the materials provided, cards, stamps, magazine and newspaper images and cuttings, dried flowers and leaves, grasses, seedpods, shells, sea glass, bottle tops, theatre tickets, travel cards.... you name it we can find a way to attach it with stitching and embroidery (and perhaps a dab of glue to make sure it stays safely on!). We will use calico as the base but I will also provide some felt in various colours if you want to add some firmer textures and to back the finished piece, and you could bring some fabric remnants etc as well as lace, ribbon, and other trimmings to add to it!
If you want to be a bit more ambitious, stay the whole day and work on a on a bigger piece.
This workshop really benefits from you doing a little preparation and collecting materials beforehand. So get collecting! You could even base around an event (a trip, Christmas, a birthday, or perhaps make something to celebrate an anniversary!)
Basic sewing and materials will be provided which will be fine for creating the basis of your work, but please bring any sewing materials you'd like to use too - you may have a special colour embroidery thread or yarn you might want to use!
For more details and to book a place click here (takes you to Eventbrite)

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29 March 2025, 10:00 - 12:30

Paint seascapes
We'll first look at famous artists' versions of seascapes and then look at the photos and pictures you've brought of your favourite sea view... whether it's calm or stormy you will then be supported to create your own version of a seascape in whichever media you'd like to use - perhaps you'll try something new, or use media you already have used in the past! It's up to you how much you challenge yourself and how much you just have fun!
Hot drinks and cake included, this workshop is suitable for young people who love art as well, under 14s must have a paying adult there to supervise and obviously join in!
All materials provided but bring an apron and wet wipes to keep you and your work area clean, and your photos etc to inspire you!
For more details and to book a place click here (takes you to Eventbrite)

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11 April 2025, 10:00 - 12:30

Paint sunsets
We'll first look at famous artists' versions of sunsets and then look at the photos and pictures you've bought of your favourite whether local or from holidays etc or perhaps from a magazine or you've found on the internet! You will then be supported to create your own version of a sunset in whichever media you'd like to use - perhaps you'll try something new, or use media you already have used in the past! It's up to you how much you challenge yourself and how much you just have fun!
Hot drinks and cake included, this workshop is suitable for young people who love art as well, under 14s must have a paying adult there to supervise and obviously join in!
All materials provided but bring an apron and wet wipes to keep you and your work area clean, and your photos etc to inspire you!
For more details and to book a place click here (takes you to Eventbrite)

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2 May - 14 May 2025

Various workshops
I will be running various workshops throughout the week - more details to follow.


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14 June 2025, 10:00-12:30

Watercolours - the basics
This session is to help those of you who haven't used watercolours before or don't feel confident, to practise laying down washes, experience wet in wet and wet on dry and so on, to work out how to keep colours clean, how to create rich shades and how to layer colours. We'll use some images for you to use as inspiration for a simple landscape, after we've practised the basics and you feel more confident.
If you have your own watercolours and watercolour brushes do bring them along so you can learn to use them. The same goes for watercolour paper - if you have some you want to use, please bring it. Please let me know if you are planning on bringing your own materials so I know how much to provide!
I will provide boards and tape for everyone whether or not you want to use your own materials.
This is a relaxing and fun workshop and all about having a go and experimenting and not worrying too much about the final piece: you've got the rest of your life to play with watercolours. We think of them as starter paints but in reality they can be very challenging and very exciting! So come along and start on your watercolour journey!
As usual hot drinks and cake is included to keep up your energy levels!
For more details and to book a place click here (takes you to Eventbrite)

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21 June 2025, 10:00 - 12:30

Colour mixing Part 2 - primary light colours and other stories
This is the follow up session to the colour mixing basics in March. Now we'll look at using the primary colours of light to do colour mixing - primary yellow, cyan and primary magenta. You'll get subtly different colours which can really pop, you'll mix beautiful purples and vibrant orange, and lime greens that sing!
To compare with this we'll also have a little look at Zorn colour palette, used by the Swedish portrait artist Anders Zorn in the late 19th and early 20th century.
You'llcome away with some colour wheels and strips and lots more ideas about how to manipulate colour in your own art!
For more details and to book a place click here (takes you to Eventbrite)


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19 September - 25 September 2025

Various workshops
I will be running various workshops throughout the week - more details to follow.


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31 October - 13 November 2025

Various workshops
I will be running various workshops throughout the week - more details to follow.


Light Wood Panel
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Please contact me for further information and to reserve a place.

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Light Wood Panel

2023 - photos from Claymills and Bog Centre workshops; Bishop's Castle Charter Celebrations

Light Wood Panel

 Summer Bushmoot 2022:

  • "Meditative botanical drawing"

  • "Creating 'Green Man'/Found Natural Art"

Summer Nature Escapes 2022